Michael Krebber. R.H. Quaytman. Wolfgang-Hahn-Preis 2015 / 2015 Wolfgang Hahn Pr
Ausst. Kat. Museum Ludwig, 2015, Dt/engl
Komenda, Adelheid / für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludw
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Established in 1994 in honor of the Cologne art collector Wolfgang Hahn, the Wolfgang Hahn Prize has since been awarded annually to an exceptional, internationally known artist who is nonetheless not yet well-known in Germany. In 2015 the prize was awarded for the first time to two artists, R. H. Quaytman and Michael Krebber. The present publication honors the prizewinners, both of whom approach the medium of painting from a decidedly conceptual standpoint. With a foreword by Mayen Beckmann, an introduction by Yilmaz Dziewior, a laudation by Daniel Birnbaum, and an afterword by Hanspeter Sauter. Text: Mayen Beckmann, Yilmaz Dziewior, Daniel Birnbaum, Hanspeter Sauter