InhaltsangabeGlossary III.- Preface.- 1. Introduction.- 3. Rational Agency.- 4. A Aonceptual Model for Holonic Manufacturing Execution 45.- 5. The Meter Box Cell.- 6. Future Work.- 7. Conclusion.- References.- Appendices.- A. The Pilot Systems.- A.1 Model Based Diagnosis.- A.1.1 VQ Shuttle.- A.2 HMS WP3.- A.2.1 Huller-Hille Machine.- A.2.2 Wilson Line.- A.2.3 Sorting Conveyor.- A.3 Holonic Manufacturing Execution.- A.2.1 Meter Box Cell.- A.2.2 Packing Cell.- B. Gorite.- B.1 Process Modeling Classes.- B.2 Belief Modelling Classes.
InhaltsangabeHolonic Manufacturing Systems.- Rational Agency.- A Conceptual Model for Holonic Manufacturing Execution.- The Meter Box Cell.- Future Work.- Conclusion.