Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy

Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Garching, Germany, 10-14 October 2005, E

Walsh, Jeremy / M Roth, Martin
Erschienen am 01.09.2007
CHF 114,30
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540734901
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Einband: Gebunden


Inhaltsangabe3D Instrumentation.- 3D Instrumentation.- 3D-NTT: A New Instrument for the NTT Based on Versatile Tunable Filter Technology.- The Integral Field Unit of the Near Infrared Spectrograph for JWST.- Scientific Prospects of the 3D-NTT Instrument.- Handling IFU Datasets in the Virtual Observatory.- Simulations of High-z Starburst Galaxies for the JWST-MIRI Integral Field Unit.- IFUs: Disentangling the Light from Neighbour Fibers.- OSIRIS - a New Integral-Field Spectrograph at Keck Observatory.- A User-oriented Comparison of the Techniques for 3D Spectroscopy.- Solar System(s).- The Potential of Integral Field Spectroscopy Observing Extrasolar Planet Transits.- Solar System Objects with the NACO Fabry-Perot and SINFONI.- 3D Spectroscopy with an Imaging FTS.- Nearby Galaxies.- Nearby Galaxies: 3D Spectroscopy as a Tool, not as a Goal.- Nearby Galaxies Observed with the Kyoto Tridimensional Spectrograph II.- Scalable N-body Code for the Modeling of Early-type Galaxies.- Internal Kinematics of Galaxies: 3D Spectroscopy on Russian 6m Telescope.- SAURON Observations of Sa Bulges: The Formation of a Kinematically Decoupled Core in NGC5953.- Characterizing Stellar Populations in Spiral Disks.- The Stellar Populations of E and S0 Galaxies as Seen with SAURON.- VIMOS-IFU Spectroscopy of Extragalactic Star Forming Complexes.- Analyzing Non-circular Motions in Spiral Galaxies Through 3D Spectroscopy.- Harmonic Analysis of the Ha Velocity Field of NGC 4254.- The NIR Tully-Fisher Relation in Different Environments: the Importance of 3D Observations.- 3D Kinematics of Local Galaxies and Fabry-Perot Database.- Validation of Stellar Population and Kinematical Analysis of Galaxies.- Non-Gravitational Motions in Galaxies.- Studying the Roots of the Supergalactic Wind in NGC 1569 with Gemini GMOS/IFUV.- Lensing Studies.- Gravitational Lensing Studied with Integral Field Spectroscopy.- 3D Spectroscopy as a Tool for Investigation of the BLR of Lensed QSOs.- A VIMOS-IFU Survey of z ? 0.2 Massive Lensing Galaxy Clusters: Constraining Cosmography.- First Results from the VIMOS-IFU Survey of Gravitationally Lensing Clusters at z ? 0.2.- Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Core of Abell 2218.- Intermediate z Galaxies.- Velocity Fields of z?0.6 Galaxies with GIRAFFE and Perspectives for ELTs.- News from the "Dentist's Chair": Observations of AM1353-272 with the VIMOS IFU.- 3D Spectroscopy of Low-z (Ultra)Luminous Infrared Galaxies.- Optical Spectra in the Non-Nuclear Regions of ULIRGs: Evidence of Ionization by Shocks.- Centres of Galaxies.- Stellar Populations in the Galactic Center with SINFONI.- Stellar Populations in the Centers of Nearby Disk Galaxies.- AGN Shocks in 3D.- Young Kinematically Decoupled Components in Early-Type Galaxies.- SINFONI's take on Star Formation, Molecular Gas, and Black Hole Masses in AGN.- The Unified Model in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies Through Integral Field Spectroscopy.- A 3D View of the Central Kiloparsec of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1358.- VLT/SINFONI Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Superantennae.- Integral-Field Observations of Centaurus A Nucleus.- The Puzzling Case of XBONGs: Will 3D-spectroscopy Explain Their True Nature?.- Studying of Some Seyfert Galaxies by Means of Panoramic Spectroscopy.- Emission Nebulae and resolved Populations.- 3D Spectroscopy of Emission Nebulae.- GMOS-IFU Observations of LV2.- The Enigma of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources may be Resolved by 3D-Spectroscopy (MPFS Data).- Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of Abell 30.- Constraining the Galactic Structure with Stellar Clusters in Obscured Hii Regions.- Integral Field Spectroscopy of a Peculiar Supernova Remnant MF16 in NGC6946.- SN 1987A: A Complex Physical Laboratory.- 3D-Spectroscopy of Extragalactic Planetary Nebulae as Diagnostic Probes for Galaxy Evolution.- 3D Spectroscopy of Herbig-Haro Objects.- High Mass Star Formation In The Light Of Sinfoni.- Internal Kinematics of IIZw40.- Integral Field Spectroscopy Survey of Classical LBV Stars in M33.- Unrav