The Economic Dynamics of Fuel Cell Technologies

Cohendet, Patrick / Héraud, Jean-Alain
Erschienen am 01.05.2003
CHF 114,30
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In den Warenkorb
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540007487
Sprache: Englisch
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Einband: Gebunden


InhaltsangabeIntroduction: the economic dynamics of fuel cell technologies.- Fuel cell technologies: diffusion perspectives and governance of an emerging innovation: A state of the art of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies: diffusion perspectives and barriers.- The future of fuel cells in a long term inter-technology competition framework.- Rationales for cooperation between firms and States within an emerging radical innovation.- Potential economic impacts of fuel cell technologies.- Fuel cell vehicles: an international comparison of public-private programmes: The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles and the US DoE Transportation Fuel Cells Programme.- Fuel cells in Canada: from entrepreneurship to innovation clustering.- The Japanese R & D system in the field of fuel cell vehicles.- Fuel cell R & D within the European Framework Programmes.


Inhaltsangabe0. Introduction: the economic dynamics of fuel cell technologies.- 0.1. Specific characteristics of fuel cell technologies.- 0.2. The heterogeneity of the stakeholders.- 0.3. Two main roles of networks in shaping the evolution of emerging technologies.- 0.4. The confrontation of many networks.- 0.5. The central and complex role of public policy.- 0.6. Outline of the book.- 0.7. Conclusive remarks.- 0.8. References.- I Fuel cell technologies: diffusion perspectives and governance of an emerging innovation.- 1. A state-of-the-art of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies: diffusion perspectives and barriers.- 1.1. Environment and energy resources: two major concerns.- 1.2. Hydrogen.- 1.2.1. The present hydrogen market.- 1.2.2. What are the present obstacles to the development of hydrogen?.- 1.2.3. Which solutions for the production of hydrogen?.- 1.2.4. Which solutions for the transport of hydrogen?.- 1.2.5. Which solutions for the storage of hydrogen?.- 1.2.6. Which solutions for the conversion of hvdroeen?.- 1.3. Fuel cells.- 1.3.1. Historical background.- 1.3.2. How do they work?.- 1.3.3. The various tunes of fuel cells.- 1.3.4. The PEM-type fuel cell.- 1.3.5. The state of the art of the various fuel cell processes.- 1.3.6. The main application areas for fuel cells.- 1.3.7. Present and expected costs of fuel cells.- 1.4. Conclusion.- 1.5. References.- 2. The future of fuel cells in a long term inter-technology competition framework.- 2.1. Introduction.- 2.2. Fuel cells in a framework of inter-technology competition.- 2.2.1. Drivers in the competition for stationary power.- 2.2.2. Fuel cells in automotive inter-technology competition.- 2.2.3. Fuel cells for portable devices applications.- 2.3. Dynamics of competition among fuel cell technologies.- 2.3.1. Phosphoric Fuel Cell technology.- 2.3.2. Alkaline Fuel Cell technology.- 2.3.3. Proton Exchange Membrane technology.- 2.3.4. Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell technology.- 2.3.5. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell technology.- 2.4. Preliminary scenarios for the future development of fuel cells.- 2.4.1. Technical change in the POLES 4. model: achievements and limitations.- 2.4.2. Fuel cells in a 'business and technical change as usual' energy projection.- 2.4.3. A fuel cell scenario with accelerated breakthroughs and environmental constraints.- 2.5. Conclusion.- 2.6. References.- 3. Rationales for co-operation between firms and States within an emerging radical innovation.- 3.1. Introduction.- 3.2. Four stylised facts about fuel cell innovation in 2003.- 3.2.1. A radical innovation, with a huge potential market in stationary and transport uses.- 3.2.2. Pre-commercialisation stage and uncertain future development.- 3.2.3. Towards hydrogen civilisation: a long transition process.- 3.2.4. Expectations of the actors in the innovation race.- 3.3. The triple heterogeneity of the fuel cell technology consortia.- 3.3.1. Sector-based heterogeneity.- 3.3.2. Institutional heterogeneity.- 3.3.3. Heterogeneity of internationalisation processes.- 3.4. Public leverage in the development of fuel cells through technology consortia.- 3.4.1. The role of public policy in the competition within the Triad.- 3.4.2. The search for co-operation policies by States.- 3.5. Conclusion.- 3.6. References.- 4. Potential economic impacts of fuel cell technologies.- 4.1. Introduction.- 4.1.1. Objectives of macroeconomic impact analysis.- 4.1.2. Methodological approach usually taken.- 4.2. Cost aspects of the fuel cell application.- 4.3. Structural changes in industry and energy supply.- 4.4. Macroeconomic impacts of the diffusion of fuel cells.- 4.5. Regional innovation policy of the federal state Baden-Württemberg.- 4.6. Concluding remarks.- 4.7. References.- II Fuel cell vehicles: an international comparison of public-private programmes.- 5. The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles and the US DoE Transportation Fuel Cells Programme.- 5.1. Introduction.- 5.2. Fuel cell R&D activities within the PNGV.- 5.2.1. Objectives and