Erlaubte Zweifel

Cioran und die Philosophie

Erschienen am 01.10.2014
CHF 43,80
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783428143900
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 319
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Einband: Gebunden


»Permissible Doubts. Cioran and Philosophy« The thinking of the Romanian-French writer E. M. Cioran (1911-1995) has often been regarded as sceptical. Nevertheless, Cioran did not view any other type of philosopher with more suspicion than the sceptic: According to Cioran, the sceptic confines himself to the philosophically established permissible doubts of external facts; he does not apply scepticism to himself. The methodical sceptic misses insights which can only be derived from despair. Despair means to doubt one's own person, and at the same time the destructive and creative movement of thinking that has become free. The Germanspeaking public is presented with permitted doubts for the first time with a philosophical portrait of Cioran. It focuses on Cioran's passionate and controversial relationship to philosophy itself, how it characterised him as a thinker, a reader and an author. Zusatztext


Jürgen Große, geb. 1963 in Berlin; 1986-92 Studium der Geschichte und der Philosophie, 1996 Promotion, 2005 Habilitation, seit 2000 freier Autor. Zahlreiche Publikationen zur europäischen Geistesgeschichte, zuletzt: Philosophie der Langeweile (2008), Ernstfall Nietzsche. Debatten vor und nach 1989 (2010), Lebensphilosophie (2010), Die Arbeit des Geistes (2013). Auszeichnungen u. a.: Alfred-Döblin-Stipendium der Akademie der Künste, Preis der Jungen Akademie an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Günter-Bruno-Fuchs-Preis.
