The Antikensammlung Berlin is one of the most important collections of its kind in the world. Its highlights include the ?Berlin Goddess?, the ?Praying Boy?, the ?Green Caesar?, the portrait of Cleopatra and the astonishing sculptural decoration of the Great Altar of Pergamon. In this lavishly illustrated volume Andreas Scholl, Director of the Antikensammlung, offers a fascinating survey of classical sculpture on display at the Altes Museum, the Neues Museum, the Pergamonmuseum and the interim building ?Pergamonmuseum. Das Panorama?. He briefly discusses the artistic and technical qualities of the statues and reliefs, their original cultural context, and explains the functions they served on graves, in public spaces and in sanctuaries. Presenting works of Greek, Cypriot, Etruscan and Roman sculpture, the book is also a short history of classical sculptural art. To conclude, Andreas Scholl also outlines the 350 year history of the collection, which after World War II and the division of Germany is now reunited on the Museumsinsel. This volume is also available in German and Russian.
Andreas Scholl is a Classical Archaeologist and has been Director of the Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin since 2004. In addition he taught at Freie Universität Berlin as an honorary professor until 2015.