Fixing and Circulating the Popular
Ethnographies of Technology, Media, Archives and the Dissemination of Culture
Müske, Johannes / Holfelder, Ute / Hengartner, Tho
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Fixing and Circulating the Popular is a contribution to the fields of cultural anthropology/folklore studies, cultural studies, and media studies, exploring processes of appropriation and re-coding of popular culture in everyday life. The articles in this volume are inspired by the research approach of cultural analysis of technology (Kulturwissenschaftliche Technikforschung) and present new ethnographic case studies on techniques of collecting and distributing popular culture in the past and present, such as folk heritage collections, radio, and cultural policies building upon such media. They investigate love communication and mobile phone videos produced and distributed with smartphones and the use of geodata platforms.
Johannes Müske ist Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität Zürich und derzeit Scholar in Residence, Deutsches Museum. Ute Holfelder ist Senior Scientist am Institut für Kulturanalyse der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria. Thomas Hengartner ist Professor am Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Empirische Kulturwissenschaft der Universität Zürich und Leiter des Collegium Helveticum (UZH, ETHZ, ZHdK).