Psychiatry the State of the Art

Volume 6 Drug Dependence and Alcoholism, Forensic Psychiatry, Military Psychiatr

Berner, P / Thau, K
Erschienen am 01.03.2014
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781461294474
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 616
Auflage: 1. Auflage


The purpose of the World Psychiatric Association is to coordinate the activities of its Member Societies on a world-wide scale and to advance enquiry into the etiology, pathology, and treatment of mental illness. To further this purpose, the Association organizes mono- or multi thematic Regional Symposia in different parts of the world twice a year, and World Congresses dealing with all individual fields of psychiatry once every five or six years. Between these meetings the continuation of the Association's scientific work is assured through the activities of its specialty sections, each covering an important field of psychiatry. The programs of the World Congresses reflect on the one hand the intention to present the coordinating functions of the Association and on the other to open a broad platform for a free exchange of views. Thus, the VII World Congress of Psychiatry, held in Vienna from July 11 to 16, 1983, was composed of two types of scientific events - those structured by the Association and those left to the initiative of the participants. The first type comprised Plenary Sessions, planned by the Scientific Program Committee, and Section Symposia, organized by the WPA sections; the second embraced Free Symposia, free papers, video sessions, and poster presentations prepared by the participants. Altogether, 10 Plenary Sessions, 52 Section Symposia, and 105 Free Symposia took place, and 78 free papers and poster sessions and 10 video sessions were held.


InhaltsangabeDrug Dependency and Alcoholism.- The Challenge of Addiction and Substance Use Disorders: Are They the Number One Health Problem for Psychiatry?.- Drug Abuse: Predisposition and Vulnerability.- The Prevention of Adolescent Drug Abuse.- Community Mobilization, Self-Help Approaches and Non-Governmental Voluntary Measures.- Social Policy and the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems.- Diagnosis of Alcoholism.- Diagnosis of Alcoholism - Introductory Remarks.- Comprehensive Questionnaire Tests on Alcoholism.- Basle Drug and Alcohol Questionnaire (BDA) Experience in Construct Validation.- Questionnaire Tests of Alcoholism.- Detection and Exclusion of Alcoholism in Men on the Basis of Clinical Laboratory Findings.- Findings with a Modified Version of the MALT (Münchner Alcoholismus Test) in Spanish Language.- Comparison of Drinking Patterns among German, Spanish and Ecuadorian Alcoholics.- The NCA Criteria for the Diagnosis of Alcoholism-Intent, Use, and Practicality.- Biological Psychiatry of Chronic Alcoholism and of the Postwithdrawal Syndrome.- Psychobiological Approach to the Postwithdrawal Syndrome.- Induction Factors Related to the Severity of the Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome.- Alcoholism and Affective Disorders.- Genetic Factors in Alcoholism: A Theoretical Model.- Correlation of Behavior with Electroencephalographic Studies in Alcoholism.- Industrial Solvents and Ethanol - A Clinical Neurotoxicological Comparison.- Alcohol and Human Evoked Potentials.- Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Treatment in Alcoholics.- New Research on Heredity and Alcoholism.- Forensic Psychiatry.- New Horizons in Psychiatry and Legislation.- New Horizons in Psychiatry and Legislation: The Historical and Cultural Aspects.- Psychiatry - Partner in the Administration of Justice.- Applied Criminology and Psychiatric Expert Evaluation.- Personality Descriptions in Forensic Psychiatry: A Clue to an Expert's Implict Theory Analysis.- Legal Psychiatry in Quebec.- Evil in Women - "Delilah Syndrome" - A New Psychiatric Syndrome.- Hypnosis: Complications - An Illustrative Clinical Example.- The Role of the Psychiatrist as an Expert in Court Procedures: Changing Patterns and New Trends.- The Role of the Psychiatrist as an Expert in Court Procedure: Changing Patterns and New Trends - Introduction.- Conflict Between Justice and Treatment Ideologies.- Dangerousness and the Psychiatrist.- The Role of the Psychiatrist as an Expert in Court Procedures in Japan.- Forensic Aspects in Depressive Disorders.- Psychiatric Malpractice: Medical and Legal Problems.- Transsexuality of the 80's.- The Role of the Child Psychiatrist in Child Custody Conflicts.- Syndromes of Acute Alcohol Intoxication and Their Forensic Implications.- The Psychiatrist's Response to Repression.- The Health and Adaptation of Victims of Political Violence in Latin America (Psychiatric Effects of Torture and Disappearance).- Effects of Imprisonment and Isolation.- Psychiatric Help for Vietnamese Refugees.- Mental Health Needs of Victims of Violence.- The Relevance of Victimology to the International Health Scene.- Mental Health Needs of Victims of Violence.- Social Network and Traditional Support Systems for Victims.- Victims of Torture and Their Rehabilitation.- The Family as Victim: Mental Health Implications.- Long-Term Stress and DSM III.- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders after an Industrial Disaster: Point Prevalences, Etiological and Prognostic Factors.- Infanticide and Incest: Cross-Cultural Perspectives.- Persecution and Grandiosity in Incest Fathers.- La Llorona: Infanticide, Insanity, and Symbiosis.- Fugue, Dissociation, and Multiple Personality in Incest Victims.- The Role of Psychiatry in the Treatment of Delinquents in a Correctional Setting.- Care and Treatment of Mentally Abnormal Offenders.- Psychotherapy in a Correctional Setting.- A Maximum Security Forensic-Psychiatric Clinic, Based on Psycho-Analytic Principles: The Dr. S. van Mesdag-Clinic in Groningen, The Netherlands.- An Evaluation of G